leadership team

Leading the way

太阳2平台的领导团队授权太阳2平台的公司通过一个明确和专注的战略来帮助建立一个更美好的未来, knowledge and industry expertise. 凭借清晰的战略和专注的执行,太阳2平台经验丰富的领导团队将推动太阳2娱乐平台朝着太阳2平台的目标迈进 mission to be North America’s premier energy infrastructure company.

Jeffrey W. Martin

Jeffrey W. Martin

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President

Karen Sedgwick

Karen Sedgwick

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Trevor Mihalik

Trevor Mihalik

Executive Vice President and Group President

Diana Day

Diana Day

Chief Legal Counsel

Justin Bird

Justin Bird

Executive Vice President

Lisa Larroque Alexander

Lisa Larroque Alexander

Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs

Sandeep Mor

Sandeep Mor

Senior Vice President, Finance

Peter R. Wall

Peter R. Wall

Senior Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer

Robert Borthwick

Robert Borthwick

Chief Risk Officer

Deborah Martin

Deborah Martin

Vice President, People and Culture and Chief Diversity Officer

Rajan Agarwal

Rajan Agarwal

Vice President, Planning

Glen Donovan

Glen Donovan

Vice President, Investor Relations

Joy Gao

Joy Gao

Vice President, Audit Services and Insurance

Toby Jack

Toby Jack

Vice President, Corporate Tax

Christy Ihrig

Christy Ihrig

Vice President, Corporate Relations

Brian L. Kelly

Brian L. Kelly

Vice President, Government Affairs

Bruce MacNeil

Bruce MacNeil

Vice President and Treasurer

April Robinson

April Robinson

Vice President, Governance and Corporate Secretary

A board with vision

Dedicated to upholding our integrity, ethics and values, 太阳2平台的董事会帮助太阳2平台对股东负责,并帮助确保太阳2平台保持高标准.

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